Fernando Reyes

A can-do attitude and a willingness to help on the manufacturing floor after working a desk job all day have made Fernando Reyes one of the most sought-after employees at Western Window Systems.

“Fernando has been asked to run the CNC for the Series 9500 Bi-Fold Door line, stay late, come in early – and he does it all without letting his day-to-day job fall behind,” says continuous improvement director Dean Seger. “He’s also glazed numerous panels during high demand to help a department meet its shipping dates.”

Vice president and general manager Scott Gates adds that Reyes’ expertise on the shop floor, where he started in 2011, led to his move to the production analyst team, where Reyes ensures the accuracy of orders and CustomView calculations.

“He’s been in the office for months, but if challenges surface in the shop, he’s always willing to jump back out on the floor to help,” Gates says. “Not many people would do that. It’s pretty amazing.”

Congratulations to Fernando Reyes, Western Window Systems’ office employee of the month for July.

Learn more about Fernando Reyes by reading his Q&A below:

Where did you grow up?
San Antonio, Texas.

Do you have any pets?
Yes, one dog named Rocko.

Do you play any sports?
Yes, football.

What is your favorite hobby?
Playing football with my son, Lorenzo.

Who do you look up to/admire?
I look up to my dad.

What is your favorite quote?
I am confirmed in my division of human energies. Ambitious people climb, but faithful people build.” – Julia Ward Howe

Where do you like to vacation?
San Antonio, Texas.

What is your favorite sport and/or team?

What’s your favorite food?
Seafood alfredo.

What’s your favorite movie?
Friday Night Lights.

What’s your favorite thing about working at Western?
Everyone treats each other like family.