Malik Barnes

There are only so many hours in a workday – and Malik Barnes, saw operator for Western Window Systems, is very good at knowing what to do with them. By effectively managing his time, Barnes has accomplished more tasks, made good decisions, and increased his knowledge and experience.

“He started out as a stocker and hasn’t slowed down since,” says Corey Holland, saw lead for Western Window Systems. “After he learned the metal, he got on the saw. It wasn’t long before he was running it on his own with little to no mistakes.”

Coworkers say they appreciate Barnes’ professionalism, hard work ethic, and willingness to help others. In one instance, he stopped what he was doing to help a team member who needed help finding the correct locations for product parts.

“Malik has a ‘get it done quickly and accurately’ attitude,” says Holland. “That not only helps the day go by fast, it’s contagious, too – a positive energy that motivates the whole team.”

Congratulations to Malik Barnes, Western Window Systems’ shop employee of the month for July.

Learn more about Malik Barnes by reading his Q&A below:

Where are you from?
Greenville, South Carolina.

What song best sums you up?
“Step in the Name of Love” by R. Kelly.

What is your favorite sport to watch/play?

What are your hobbies?
Basketball, working out, sleeping, and dog training.

Who do you look up to/admire?
My father.

Where do you most want to travel, but have never been?

If money was no object, what would you do all day?

What is your favorite family recipe?
Chicken casserole.

What is your favorite movie?
Baby Boy.

What is your biggest success up until now?
All-American linebacker for MCC (Mesa Community College).

What’s your favorite part of working at Western Window Systems?
Break time and meeting other coworkers.

What is one fact about you that almost no one else knows?
I learned how to ride a motorcycle at age six.